Dyson of Battersea

Total raised


Target: £500.00

Dyson was a 15 year old English Staffordshire Terrier, also known as the most glorious, majestic, brindle beast. He was rescued him from Battersea Dogs and Cats Home in London 14 years ago, and when it was time for them to come back to the states, his owner Hassan packed him up and took him home. Dyson has lived in London, DC, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia and made countless friends in each city he stepped paw in. His favorite things were eating egg and pancake breakfasts, sticks that were bigger than him, the great big woods, and licking. And licking. And licking. Legend says he could jump 20 feet into the air if the right stick or frisbee was thrown his way.He never hurt a soul and only ever loved everyone. He is mourned by friends around the world who will never forget him. His best dog friend was an Australian Cattle Dog named Goose. He so patiently tolerated his human brother's jumping and tackling and tugging, and underneath his grumbles he could be heard telling him how much he loved him.But Dyson didn't love anyone or anything as much as he loved Hassan. The two of them were tied together through the strongest bond. Dyson was as stalwart a companion as they come and took his job as BDE (best dog ever) very seriously. He was a loyal defender of our household and, even more importantly, of Hassan's heart. Several months ago we found out he had a meningioma growing on his cervical spine. He responded really well to steroids and we got much more time than the neurologist prepared us for. He was never in pain, even on his last night. Though we could never be ready for it we are so grateful for his dignified passing.We love you Budsington. Wing Ding. BDE. Dyson Raheem of Battersea.

Latest donations

  • £10.00 Anonymous

  • Anonymous

  • £25.00 Felicity

    with love....

  • £8.00 Andy

    Wish I had more to give, but I hope this goes a little ways into helping another dog find as loving an owner as Hassan.

  • £50.00 Jennie

    In tribute to a beautiful, loving relationship between a man and his dog and a dog and his man....

Events in memory

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